There has been a significant jump in the registration of new projects with Uttar Pradesh RERA in the non-NCR districts along with new projects registration in the National Capital Region(NCR).
NEW DELHI: From January 2024 to October 2024, about 220 new projects have been registered with Uttar Pradesh real estate regulatory authority (UP-RERA). A total of 190 projects were registered in the year 2023 and 215 projects in the year 2022.
There has been a significant jump in the registration of new projects in the non-NCR districts along with new project registration in the NCR. Non-NCR districts have received registration of about 144 projects (65%) and NCR districts have received registration about 76 projects (35%) which was almost equal during 2017-18.
The projects registered from the non-NCR districts are located in Mathura, Ayodhya, Bareilly, Moradabad, Jhansi, Prayagraj, Varanasi and Lucknow, whereas the projects registered from the NCR districts are located in Gautam Buddha Nagar, Ghaziabad and Meerut districts.
Out of 3,756 registered projects of residential, commercial and mixed category in the state, about 1,701 projects are located in NCR districts and about 2,055 projects are located in non-NCR districts. So far, total 1,207 projects have been completed and OC/CC has also been obtained.
Out of all registered projects, about 1,700 projects are new and 2,056 projects are in category of ongoing/work in progress.
Out of total 2,055 projects registered in non-NCR region, around 1,068 are new and 987 projects are in ongoing category. Out of total 1,701 projects registered in NCR region, around 632 are new and 1,069 projects are in ongoing category. Around 1,015 projects have been registered in Gautam Buddh Nagar, 785 projects in Lucknow and around 470 in Ghaziabad.
New project refers to those projects which have been registered with RERA after 1 May 2017. Ongoing projects refer to those projects which were launched before 1 May 2017 and have been registered on the RERA portal.
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